Trunk Show

The Short of It

All of the one-of-a-kind pieces that I, personally, have handmade from small batch stones, here, online, for a pre-Christmas Trunk Show. Email subscribers will be the first to know and get an extra discount. What I have will be available in the online shop, but when it's gone-it's gone. I'll incrementally be increasing the deals, but can't tell you when or how much yet. Subscribe now or keep checking back. Mid-November is when it starts!

The Long of It

Niyol has evolved over the last decade plus and with all gratitude, I'm able to say, grown. With that, I had to adjust and streamline and create items that could be duplicated in order to meet demand. However, at my core, I am an artist. I love to create. I still, even on my most burnt-out day, get ecstatic over a new stone I've never seen before, a cut that's new, an idea for a way to use or melt metal in a way I've not tried before, so I simply love to create. And especially one-of-a-kind pieces. I sit at my bench and get lost in a book on tape and just make. This is what makes me a jeweler.

Many of you get to see these creations during Summer at art markets and fairs. At the end of each year, I typically have a trunk show at a friend's house and community members come and get great deals just in time for Christmas and I get a fresh start for designing the next year. So I got to thinking, and thought what about doing the same thing this year only extending it to you all- online? So here we go.

Make sure to sign up for the email list. I am not an email blaster- you only get 1-2 all year and it's just to notify you of sales- and they are sales only available to peops on the email list, so jump on, sign up, and be the very first to know as things are listed!